Are You An Entrepreneur Ready To Close The Gap Between Your Desires & Reality?
5 Steps for Your
Using the TAPIN Method: Transformation, Announcement, Preparation, Imagination, Nurture

TAPIN to live your best life Now,
No Opportunity Wasted
Save 2-3 Hours
Time Every Single Day
I will help you establish productive strategies that will save you time.
- Streamline your workflow and free up time
- Make better use of your resources and get more done in less time.
- Minimize distractions and increase your productivity
Embrace Your Authenticity Gaining The Competitive Edge
Authenticity is one of those traits that can make you memorable and give you exactly what you’re looking for – an impactful boost in business. I’ll help you discover how embracing who you are and being real with your customers is just what entrepreneurs like us need to take back control and enjoy success on our own terms.
- Become unapologetically true to yourself and embrace what makes you unique.
- Learn how to build trust and long-term relationships with your customers.
- Use your individuality to boost business growth.
Do What You Love,
Love What You Do
I’ll help you channel passion into each task as you breathe life and authenticity into everything from the mundane day-to-day operations and beyond. With the right attitude and creativity, any entrepreneurial journey can become exhilarating as well as rewarding.
- Bring passion into each task you undertake.
- Make every aspect of your entrepreneurial journey an uplifting and rewarding experience.
- Enhance your environment & schedule so you can earn more by doing less.
Success Stories
As a busy entrepreneur, I always made excuses about not having time to exercise. I was unwilling to take action and instead just stayed where I was. Then I found Brenda, the Solutionist, who helped me break through my excuses and take action and even got my kids involved. She’s an incredible coach and mentor, and I am grateful for her support! Thank you so much, Brenda!
Before I found Brenda the Soulutionist, writing a best-selling book felt like an impossible dream. Thanks to her amazing guidance, I released my book and quickly became a bestseller – something I never thought would be possible! Brenda is a master at helping people take action on their creative goals and dreams, and she helped me make mine come true. Thank you so much, Brenda!