Why Video First-Time Connections Are Better Than Phone Calls

by | Feb 19, 2024

Today, a connection call with someone I was looking forward to meeting was canceled because I would not make the first contact by phone. As an entrepreneur, connecting with others is critical to growing your business and achieving success. However, with the rise of technology and the prevalence of bots and misrepresentations, it can be challenging to make meaningful connections. That is why I prefer video first-time connections over phone calls. It has been almost three years since I received the phone call that changed my life (That is a story for another time). However, I will explain why video is my preferred method and how it has allowed me to make more meaningful connections that serve both myself and the other person.

I Like Personal Connections

Video calls provide a level of personal connection that phone calls cannot match. I like knowing I am dealing with a natural person. Seeing someone’s facial expressions and body language can help me better gauge their emotions and intentions. It helps create a more personal connection between two people who may have never met. When connecting through video for the first time, I am more likely to be talking to an actual human instead of a bot or automated response system.

I Want To Establish Trust

Visual connections allow most of us to establish trust more quickly than just hearing someone’s voice over the phone. Trust is essential in any business relationship or partnership, especially when working remotely or with people worldwide. Seeing someone face-to-face creates a stronger bond compared to just hearing their voice on the phone.

Non-verbal Cues Are Helpful

Video calls give you access to non-verbal cues that we would otherwise miss during a phone call or email exchange. For instance, if someone looks uncomfortable with what you are saying or seems disinterested in your proposal, it will be easier for you to detect that through visual communication rather than on a regular call.

Improve Comfort

Video calls can aid in building better relationships by allowing you to put a face to the name of your contact list. As such, it makes future interactions more comfortable since you already know what they look like and how they present themselves.


In conclusion, while phone calls have traditionally been used to make connections, video calls are the future with all the automation to help instill a sense of trust. They provide a level of personal connection, establish trust more quickly, and allow you to access non-verbal cues that would otherwise be missed during a phone conversation between callers. Video first-time connections make it easier to build relationships with people, which is critical for entrepreneurs and businesses. What are your thoughts on this subject? Do you prefer video over phone calls for your first-time connections? I would love to hear your thoughts, for or against. Let’s discuss this in the comments below. Be Blessed.


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