8 Strategies That Help You Get Through Hopeless Situations

by | Feb 12, 2024

Yesterday, I was informed of the loss of another beautiful soul. This writing is my attempt to reach out in case someone else believes they are in a hopeless situation. As entrepreneurs, we all have days where we feel hopeless and discouraged. It could be a failed business venture, a lost client, the end of a relationship, or a rough patch in life that has left us feeling down and out. Some situations must run their course; at other times, plans must be made. Hopeless events do not exclude the possibility of better days ahead. The good news is that there are ways to navigate through these situations and come out on the other side stronger than ever before. In this article, I will share eight (8) strategies that have helped me through tough times, and I hope they will do the same for you.

Try these strategies when it appears all is lost:

1. Let it go. If the outcome is inevitable, does obsessing over it ever help? Letting go may seem like surrendering, but why persist with something unwinnable? Choose to release it and embrace the next chapter of your life. Letting go of beliefs, people places and things that no longer served me was one of the greatest gifts I gave myself.

2. Purge your emotions. Let your feelings out. There are healthy ways to uplift yourself. Some find solace in exercise, while others feel relief after a good cry. Spending time with loved ones or having dinner with friends may boost your spirits. I purge my emotions in a journal because a blank page holds no judgment. Sometimes I cried as I Journaled. The key is to seek a positive outlet. Reckless drinking, substance abuse, and impulsive spending are unhealthy choices. Choose wisely.

3. Try to learn something. In most cases, dire situations stem from past decisions. Reflect on your role in the current circumstances. Did you overlook warning signs in a relationship? Did you take on a mortgage beyond your means? Give yourself some grace and learn from your situation. I choose to look for the gift in every situation. It allows me to see any circumstances I encounter from a different perspective. It is common to repeat our mistakes. What can you learn to avoid a repeat performance in the future? Imagine how great your life would be if you only made each mistake once. Imagine what you would learn if you saw the gift in each situation.

4. Enjoy yourself. Now might be the perfect time to visit your favorite restaurant, take a walk in the park, or see a movie with a friend. Despite life’s challenges, you can still have a good time. Laugh and move forward. I look for joy in the small things. It gives me peace. I practice positive affirmations to increase my joy. My daily mantra is I bring joy, I am the peace. Try it or create your own. Because what you tell yourself matters.

5. Keep up with your responsibilities. Your children, family, and friends still need your love and attention. The bills still have to be paid. Avoid neglecting other areas of your life. When I found myself overwhelmed, I asked for help. I have discovered asking for assistance is not a weakness. It is a sign of strength. Sometimes, it was having responsibilities that kept me safe. Having a sense of purpose is essential, especially when you are in a perceived hopeless situation.

6. Create a plan for the future. Anticipating an interesting and exciting future can propel you forward. A bleak future makes it hard to be happy. Embrace the possibilities and craft an inspiring future for yourself. Then, take one small step towards making it a reality. Take time to write out your perfect day in great detail. Journaling is a great way to gather your thoughts and to write the story you want to live. I update my perfect day as needed to ensure I stay clear on what I desire for my life. Then I align my actions to ensure it comes to pass.

7.  Make a list of all the things that fill you with gratitude. It is likely there are many people in the world with far more challenging circumstances. It can be easy to forget this fact. Reflect on what you have going for you and add to the list regularly. Refer to the list whenever you need a reminder that your life is worth living. Each morning when I rise, I think of ten things I can be grateful for to start my day positively. I have chosen to live with an attitude of gratitude, and it has made a world of difference in how I see my life.

8.  Remember other situations in your life that seemed hopeless. Like me, you survived and ultimately came out more resilient and knowledgeable on the other side. Take time to recall past hopeless situations. If you are reading this, it means you survived. I pray you emerge stronger and wiser. As a woman of faith, I often rehearse God’s resume to remind myself that I am never alone, and this, too, shall pass.


Hopeless situations are inevitable in life, but they don’t have to define us. Letting go and moving forward can be the best choice. Worrying has never altered the outcome of any situation. By implementing these eight (8) strategies, we can gracefully navigate challenging times and become stronger on the other side. Remember to take care of yourself, seek support from those around you, seek professional help when needed, and stay positive in the face of adversity. No opportunity is ever truly wasted when we learn from our experiences and use them as stepping stones towards success. If you or someone you know are thinking of harming themselves, please call the National Suicide & Crisis Lifeline at 988 Veterans Press 1. That line is available twenty-four hours a day. Be blessed and stay safe and remember that help is available. You are not alone.


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